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APPEND objbin. CLEAR objbin. CONCATENATE text-t04 cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab sy-uname INTO objbin-line. The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module CKMS_HEADER_READ_WITH_ITAB including all data declarations.

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DATA: BEGIN OF ITAB OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE MARC. DATA: END OF ITAB. *--ALV Grid DATA: OK_CODE LIKE SY-UCOMM. DATA: CUSTOM_CONTAINER TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER. DATA: MYCONTAINER… MODIFY is the statement to change single or multiple lines in an internal table.Use the INDEX addition to change a single line. If we use the INDEX addition and the operation is successful, SY-SUBRC will be set to zero and the contents of the work area overwrites the contents of the line with the corresponding index.

From: <Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8> Subject

If we use the INDEX addition and the operation is successful, SY-SUBRC will be set to zero, the line with the corresponding index in the internal table will be deleted and the indexes of the subsequent lines will be reduced by one. 2008-01-30 SAP ABAP - Copying Internal Tables - When we read a record from an internal table with a header line, that record is moved from the table itself into the header line. It is then the header line tha With header line.

Abap itab with header line

From: <Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8> Subject

In ABAP there are tables with header lines, and tables without header lines. Tables with header lines are an older concept and should not be used in new development. Internal Table: Standard Table with / without header line This code declares the table i_compc_all with the existing structure of compc_str. Using header line can cause ambiguity in code, for example CLEAR t_itab2 means that you cleared entire contents of table t_itab2, whilst the statement CLEAR t_itab1 will only clear the contents of t_itab1 header. To clear the entire contents of internal table with header line, use brackets after variable statement, ex: CLEAR t_itab1 [].

Abap itab with header line

DATA itab2 TYPE TABLE OF i WITH HEADER LINE. itab1 = itab2. " Only header lines will be copied These copy the contents of ITAB1 to ITAB2. Incase of internal tables with header line we have to use [] inorder to distinguish from work area.
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" table is without header line. The header line is a field string with the same … READ TABLE itab READ - Read an Internal Table. Variants: 1a. READ TABLE itab FROM wa [ additions].

CL.. data itab tytp table of char10 with header line.
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SCN : Popular Discussions - Business Consolidation SEM

2015-06-13 2008-03-02 2015-03-10 In a DO-loop, the table header line of T1 is filled with continuously modified values. After that, the header line is added to the data base with “APPEND T1”. ABAP™-Source-Code.